Nenhum exemplo disponível para qualquer um dos sinônimos
1One example is dir--itwill list the files in the current directory.
2Mr. P. is president of the As en Co. and dir.
3The first was a letter, signed by George J. Delaney,circulation-sales dir.
4She is to sing 'Die Wacht am Rhein' and 'Heil dir in Siegeskranz'.
5The man behind the movement to get these newsstands is Nathan Goldstein, the circulation dir.
6Asst to the president of the J. G. White Engineering Corp., dir of N. B. C., Asst.
7He smiles and puts all his gratitude into one simple and touching sentence, 'Ich danke dir,' and dies.
8Sending CIA dir proves the panic.
9Talk with three men from Dublin who came over here to advance the project: Dr. T. J. Walsh, the dir.
10In 2015, the community was showcased in a documentary, The Boers at the End of the World (dir.
12On opening the book the first words which met my eye were "Gad i my fyned trwy dy dir!"
13There ain't so many of yer as knows yer own names, I dir say, and 'Ardinge's as good as any other.
14Also, for variety, they sang Tannenbaum-withthe same tune as Maryland, My Maryland!-andHeil dir im Sieges-kranz; and snatches from various operas.
15A dir … Quantification of the relative intensities of germline and rearranged DNA bands suggests that a significant component of the lymphocy …
16With many FTP implementations, it's also possible to take the output of dir and put it into a file on the local system with